Activating/deactivating a campaign
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Activating a Campaign

From the Administration Menu, click on Campaign Manager > Edit current campaigns

A list of current campaigns is displayed. To activate a campaign click on the word Activate under the Action column.

Before a campaign becomes live (i.e. appears on departmental home page) it must be activated. However, if you are creating a 'Data only' report and you already have the data available on the system you do not need to activate the campaign. Simply create a 'Data only' campaign with an end date of yesterday and proceed straight to the Report Manager.

Deactivating a Campaign

From the Administration Menu, click on Campaign Manager > Edit current campaigns > Manage > Deactivate

Reasons for deactivating a campaign:
·You have setup a campaign which is no longer required  
·You have setup a text based campaign containing the wrong text elements and you need to change the requested text elements  

When a campaign is deactivated any text element entries associated with that campaign are deleted. Data, however, is never affected by any action through the Campaign Manager. The decision to deactivate a campaign assumes that the current text entries previously associated with that campaign are no longer desirable. It is advisable to review a campaign thoroughly before activating it. You can however extend/shorten a campaign through Manage > Extend/shorten.